This is a fantastic article on awareness. Those of you who have taken my classes know that I preach awareness before physical skills as every good instructor should. Awareness is the key to preventing so many bad things from happening. The article is written by the “Well Armed Woman” and speaks about these things as for women, but men need them also. I do take one exception to the article, “Stranger Danger” should be a term that is thrown out in the self defense world. Strangers are not bad, in fact most are good people who want to help. A more appropriate term or wording would be “Strange Behavior”. Any person wether you know them or not that is acting in a “strange” way is an issue. Also statistics show that you are more likely to be assaulted by someone you know or have met. The bad guy in the preverbal bushes that jumps out and attacks is very very rare. So be aware of Strange Behavior. Other than that the article is a good read.
Self Defense begins with Awareness
author – The Well Armed Woman
There are some basic defensive tips every women should know and make part of their daily lives.
Self defense begins before you even know you need it. Always and in all situations, from going to the grocery store to finding your car in a dark parking lot – scan and be aware of what and who is around you and know where you are. Observe and think “what if?”.
What if someone jumped out at you from behind that car? What would you do?
Part of what makes a women vulnerable to attack is the appearance of not paying attention, or appearing uncomfortable. Projecting a confident attentive presence can be a powerful deterrent. We are creatures of habit. It is far too easy to be lax in familiar surroundings and we lose the edge of really checking our surroundings and looking for anything unusual – especially in and around our own neighborhoods, homes, workplaces and cars. Many women are stalked and their habits watched over a period of time to take advantage of when their guard is likely down.
We as women, have powerful instincts – trust them and use them to your advantage. If something or someone does not “feel” safe – you are probably right and should take steps to avoid them. Do not concern yourself with what other’s will think that it is a silly, paranoid thought. Listen to your gut and act accordingly.
Have your keys out and ready before starting for the parking lot or your front door. Don’t wait until you get in your car to begin the typically long search for your keys in your purse. Don’t organize your purchases or review your receipts in the car or do anything that keeps you from locking the doors, starting the engine and leaving immediately. Review your receipts before leaving the store and place your bags in the car quickly. Lock your doors and make sure your car windows are up immediately upon entering the car. Once you enter your home, shut the door and lock it immediately, even if it means making multiple trips to the car to unload your purchases. Take the time to lock the doors each trip. Know where you are going and be ready with keys or whatever you may need before you get there.
Being in the mindset that you will fight to protect yourself and knowing how you will do that ahead of time not only gives you greater confidence but increases your chance of successfully defending yourself. Escape is always the best option. Being aware and thinking defensively will help you to see “the possibilities” of flight or fight before anything happens. I would suggest that if you choose to carry a firearm, that you take an armed personal defense course and if you do not carry a firearm, a basic self defense course is highly recommended. These self-defense programs should include simulated assaults with a fully padded instructor in realistic rape and attack scenarios, to allow you to practice what you’ve learned.
Just as we teach our children to stay away from strangers, we need to practice what we teach. Keep your distance when walking past strangers and be observant and mentally prepared. If a car pulls up and needs assistance, keep a very safe distance if you choose to offer help – or simply keep moving. With the internet becoming one of the most common ways we meet new people, extreme caution should be used when giving out any personal information or addresses. Everyone and anyone can look and seem “safe” online. Trust no one.
Home invasion crimes are on the rise. The best way to prevent a home invasion is to always keep your doors and windows locked with effective locks and to simply never, ever open your door unless you either are certain you know who’s on the other side or you can verify that they have a legitimate reason for being there. Many criminals will dress up as a repair man or even a police officer. You can call the company or the police station to verify before opening your door. In the event that an intruder breaks in while you’re home, you should have a safe room in your house to which you can retreat. Such a room should be equipped with a strong door, deadbolt lock, phone (preferably cell phone), and a can of pepper spray, fire extinguisher or safely stored firearm.