The Body Language of Deceit

A fantastic snippet of how to understand basic aspects of body language and the bad guy.  I have used some of these things in my life and even some of them everyday.  Good stuff. The Body Language of Deceit Posted on December 31, 2013 by Greg Ellifritz in Articles A couple months ago, the…

How to Prevent Sexual Assault

The things you really need to know about sexual assault don’t include fighting, eye strikes, groin strikes. Most of what you need to know is all about awareness and common sense.  This situation is horrific when you think about it, can you imagine having to live through it and survive it?   But before it…

What is Real Self Defense Training

When you mention self defense class to the average person the picture that is conjured up in their heads is intimidating.  The picture usually has a drill sergeant MMA looking fighter yelling commands and teaching techniques that kill or maim right away, pretty scaring stuff isn’t it?   I don’t know about you but I…